Friday’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight: November 21st

WordPress unknown plugins

Welcome to the fourteenth Friday’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight! In this series, we take a look at some of the newer and/or lesser known plugins that can be found in the WordPress plugin directory.

JP Scrollbar

The jp scrollbar plugin banner

The JP Scrollbar by Joydev Pal adds a scrollbar to your WordPress site. This scrollbar will replace the default scrollbar and is customizable.

DobsonDev Weather

DobsonDev made the DobsonDev Weather plugin that adds a weather application to your site; you can add the application as a widget or by using a shortcake.

User Wallet Credit System

If you use Woocommerce on your site then you can add the User Wallet Credit System, developed by Justin Greer, allows your users to have their own personal wallet.


The vine plugin header

The official Vine plugin for WordPress has been released! You can now easily embed videos from the Vine website.

Accredible Certificates

If you have an online course site, then Accredible Certificates may work for you. Developed by accredible, allows you to issue digital licenses or certifications to your customers.


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