WordPress Weekly News and Tips: March 30th to April 5th

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Welcome to the twenty-eight WordPress Weekly blog post. In these weekly posts, we gather news articles from WordPress-related resources so that you can be up-to-date.

Mark Jaquith Releases Cache Buddy: A Plugin to Enhance Popular WordPress Caching Solutions

Author:  Sarah Gooding

URL: http://wptavern.com/mark-jaquith-releases-cache-buddy-a-plugin-to-enhance-popular-wordpress-caching-solutions

A new plugin that speeds up sites by allowing cache to work for logged in users; Cache Buddy works alongside popular cache plugins to make this happen by changing a few things under the hood.

Top e-Commerce Shipping Plugins for WordPress and MarketPress

Author:  Brenda Barron

URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/ecommerce-shipping-plugins

Thinking about opening an e-Commerce site? Brenda Barron has you covered with some of the best plugins to use for WordPress and MarketPress.

Using HHVM with WordPress

Author:  Zachary Russell

URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/using-hhvm-with-wordpress–cms-21596

A guide on how you can use HHVM with WordPress; however, keep in mind that Facebook’s HHVM is not advised to be used in self-hosted production environments.

Varsita – Themeum’s New Solution for Your LMS

Author:  Mark Zahra

URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/varsita-themeum-new-solution-for-your-lms/

An LMS, or Learning Management System, has been growing in popularity in the WordPress community. As a result, there are quite a few themes available for students and teachers alike. In this post, Mark Zahra, takes a look at the new Varsita theme by Themeum.

5 Best WordPress Appointment and Booking Plugins

Author:  Editorial Staff

URL: http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/5-best-wordpress-appointment-and-booking-plugins

Ever wanted your clients to be able to book an appointment directly on your site? The Editorial Staff on WP Beginner have created a list of five plugins that you can use to do this.

Managing Access to Plugins (So Clients Don’t Break Their Site!)

Author:  Daniel Pataki

URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/managing-client-access-plugins

If you’ve ever worked with clients, you know that things can go wrong sometimes. Thankfully, WPMU has some ideas on how you can manage which plugins client can access on the site to prevent any mistakes happening.

Speed Up WordPress: Using CDNs, Compression, and Minification to Speed Up WordPress

Author:  Barış Ünver

URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/speed-up-wordpress-using-cdns-compression-and-minification-to-speed-up-wordpress–cms-22056

By following this guide, you can speed up your WordPress site by enabling HTTP compression and installing some plugins, CDNs and other features.

Jack Lenox on Building Themes with the WP REST API

Author:  Sarah Gooding

URL: http://wptavern.com/jack-lenox-on-building-themes-with-the-wp-rest-api

Jack Lenox gave a very popular speech on how you can use the WP REST API to build themes. If you are interested, you can view a screencast of the presentation by clicking here. (50 minutes long)

Ultimate Guide to Using Mailchimp and WordPress

Author:  Editorial Staff

URL: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/ultimate-guide-to-using-mailchimp-and-wordpress

Want to send out updates to your clients via a mailing list? MailChimp is a popular app / plugin that you can use with WordPress to accomplish this goal.

Display Sheet Music in WordPress With the ABC Notation Plugin

Author:  Jeff Chandler

URL: http://wptavern.com/display-sheet-music-in-wordpress-with-the-abc-notation-plugin

You can now display musical notes on your WordPress site with the ABC Notation plugin; so if you are a musician or a music buff, you might want to check this one out!


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