After 24 hours from Boston to Chicago I finally can find myself in the City of Illinois very nice place full of cars and people with big buildings all over.


Chicago Illinois

Today I could have a wonderful meeting with Chad Wittman CEO/ Founder of Applum LLC, one famous corporate in Chicago, I believe most of the people in use must know them by their amazing tools called Edgerank Checker and PostAcumen.

Applumはシカゴでも有名な会社のひとつだ。彼らはEdgerank CheckerPostAcumenといった素晴らしいツールを提供している。私は、そのApplumのCEOであるChad Wittmanとミーティングをすることができた!

Currently Edgerank Checker has been used in US for over 300 000 people, this application is an amazing Analytic Software that allows you to know better how is running your Facebook Page. In order to know what kind of contents hit in your Facebook page. This application is something that you won’t like to miss.

Edgerank Checkerは、Facebookページをどのように運営すればよいか教えてくれる素晴らしい分析ツールなんだ。あなたのFacebookページでどんなコンテンツがヒットしたかを教えてくれる。このEdgerank Checkerのユーザーは、アメリカに30万人もいるんだ!

Talking to Chad Wittman I could notice that there are so many things that we can do with Data and how his applications can help to know more about your Facebook Marketing and your currently problems. There is so many ways to manage information data between different values he said.

Chad Wittmanは色んなことを話してくれた。例えば、Edgerank Checkerのデータを、どのようにしてFacebook Marketingに生かすかなどなど・・・

Alex and Chad Wittman

Also we talk about some features about his applications and some upcoming projects that will hit and change the marketing way to think.


He also said that was really glad to meet me and finally can have something close in business between Hivelocity (Japan) and Applum LLC, in his mind from the beginning was globalise this application in order to help other people who can appreciate his work, and Japan of course was one of the top Goals he was having in mind.

Chad Wittmanは、このツールをグローバル化させることも目標のひとつにしている。もちろん、日本との関係を持つこともそのうちのひとつだと言っていた。だから、こうして関係を持てたことに、とても喜んでいたよ。

Hopefully Hivelocity and Applum LLC, will be become partners after few weeks more and we will be able to distribute this new product in Japan for help to all this kind of companies who want to have a better marketing in Facebook and some other Social Media!


Chad Wittman And Alex Mezarina

It was a Great Time that we spend in a caffe in Chicago talking about different projects and how things will change from now own. 2013 for Hivelocity I think will be a year of many changes and new goal points because finally our company will globalise more in order to create new ways of solutions to all our clients businesses.


Chad saying Hi to Japan

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