My Eyes Are Up Here: Don’t Let Your Face Crop


At times, cropping an image can leave out a person’s face; however, there is a new plugin available in the WordPress directory that solve that issue. My eyes are up here was authored by interconnectitsanchothefatSpectacula and AndyWalmsley. It’s easy to use and very intuitive, if you would like to install this for your photography portfolio or blog, then you can follow this short and simple guide!

Installation & Activation

Since the plugin is available in the repository, you can download it from the repository or downloading it via the Add New plugin page.


You can use the plugin in two places your Edit Posts screen or in your Media Library.

You can edit the images in the media library or your blog edit page

Let’s add an image the old fashioned way and add it as a featured image to our post. Head on over to the Edit Post screen. Find the Featured image box and add a photo. You can use the following photograph by D Jabi as an example.

Add a featured image

If you look at the Set Featured Image screen, on your right, you will be able to see the following panel:

After uploading an image, you will see a new panel

You can click on the ‘Detect faces’ button in order to have the jQuery plugin to scan the image. Be aware that on some images, you might get the following error:

The plugin cant find any faces

Then you can click on the ‘Add Hotspots’ button:

the Add Hotspots button

Adding Hotspots to an image can

The Hotspot feature in the plugin

Adding hotspots will help the plugin know where to crop. Keep in mind that faces may not be found on some images; thankfully, the hotspot feature can be used to our advantage. After that, all you need to do is click on the ‘Set featured image’ button.

And voilà! Your image will be cropped to the featured image size.

The final image in 2014

There you have it! You can keep an eye on My eyes are up here github page. Thanks for reading!


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