WordPress Weekly News and Tips: January 19th to January 25th

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Welcome to the twenty-fifth WordPress Weekly blog post. In these weekly posts, we gather news articles from WordPress-related resources so that you can be up-to-date.

Make it Easy for Users to Setup Your Themes: Demo Content, Importer, Plugin & Widget Setup


URL: http://wplift.com/easy-wordpress-theme-setup-options

We talk a lot about developing your own themes, but what about other users installing your theme for the first time? Or trying it out? Int his article,  goes into how you can make this easier for others.

The 10 Most Popular Free and Responsive WordPress Themes Reviewed


URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/free-responsive-wordpress-themes-reviewed

A review of twelve of the most popular and free WordPress themes.

Unique WordPress Tips and Tricks You Never Know About


URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/unique-wordpress-tips-tricks-never-knew/

Some tips that you can use to improve your WordPress workflow; some that you might not have even known.

The Philanthropic Side of The WordPress Community


URL: http://wptavern.com/the-philanthropic-side-of-the-wordpress-community

As with many industries / sectors, there are philanthropic businesses out there. Jeff Chandler takes a look at what they do to give back to the community.

Your Chance to Get More Exposure in the WordPress Community


URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/chance-get-exposure-wordpress-community/

Want to become famous? Well, not really famous, but Jean gives some ideas on how you can get a little more noticed within the WordPress community.

Even More Essential Plugins for WordPress Theme Development


URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/articles/even-more-essential-plugins-for-wordpress-theme-development–cms-22073

Some more essential plugins for WordPress theme development recommended by the Developer plugin.

The Ultimate Checklist for Building a Brand New WordPress Site


URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/ultimate-checklist-building-brand-new-wordpress-site/

Want to create a brand new WordPress site? Thanks to , you can have a huge checklist to go over before creating, or inevitably, publishing your site.

Loading WordPress Posts Dynamically With AJAX


URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/load-posts-ajax

AJAX use has been increasing steadily over the years and using with WordPress can be a little confusing at first. Thankfully,  wrote a quick tutorial on how you can do this with WordPress.

How to Set Up a WordPress Development Site with Codio’s Free Cloud-Based IDE


URL: http://wptavern.com/how-to-set-up-a-wordpress-development-site-with-codios-free-cloud-based-ide

A quick look at a new cloud-based IDE called Codio by .

How To: Create Internal Linking Structures in WordPress to Improve Your On-Site SEO


URL: http://wplift.com/wordpress-internal-linking?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wplift+%28WPLift%29

It’s important for your site to have internal linking correctly set for your SEO to take off. You can read the full explanation by reading the article.

16 Plugins to Help You Communicate With Your Users


URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/communicate-with-users

From plugins that allow you to send newsletters to posting links on SNS, you can find sixteen different tools that you can use to directly communicate with your customers. Just a warning, as mentioned in the article, please don’t be spammy.

Releasing your WordPress Theme Framework


URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/releasing-your-wordpress-theme-framework–cms-21940

Remember the WordPress Theme Framework series that we covered here before? Well, here’s one of the final steps, the release. Get ready!

Writing Documentation for Your WordPress Theme Framework


URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/writing-documentation-for-your-wordpress-theme-framework–cms-21939

You may have released your own Theme Framework, but you should write some documentation so that other users, or developers, can learn how to use it.

Acknowledge Me Outputs a GitHub Repository’s Contributors


URL: http://wptavern.com/acknowledge-me-plugin-outputs-a-github-repositorys-contributors

Finally, Acknowledge Me is a simple plugin that pulls from the GitHub API and display’s a repository’s contributors.


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