Friday’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight: November 7th

WordPress unknown plugins

Welcome to the twelfth Friday’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight! In this series, we take a look at some of the newer and/or lesser known plugins that can be found in the WordPress plugin directory.

Multiple Admin Emails

Multiple Admin Emails by ferozjaf will allow you to set up an admin to receive notifications to an email whenever a user registers on your site.

ESB Testimonials

With ESB Testimonials, you have a lot of options in how you can display or show testimonials left by clients. The plugin can even generate shortcodes that you can use to insert into posts.

Signals Widgets

The signals widgets plugin

The Signals Widgets plugin comes packed with eight different widgets; the plugin also is translation ready and includes ads, videos and service integrations.

Lunar – Sell photos online

Lunar photos thumbnail plugin

You can sell your photos on your WordPress blog with the Lunar plugin by sakurapixel.

HeroWP Custom Login Image

The HeroWP plugin thumbnail

The HeroWP plugin is that makes it easy for you to upload your own logo for your site’s login screen.

That’s it for this week’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight! You can always stop by next week for more or send a us an email to tell us about your plugin.


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