You probably must have heard how inbound marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to attract new sales leads and build brand awareness, but how much do you know about your Digital Marketing in order to inbound your sales?

After have met different companies and talked with them, I have noticed that many companies doesn’t know much about their Digital Marketing Status and when I ask “Is it your current Marketing Effective?”, most of them answer me “NO”.

The role of marketing and the funding it receives need to be defines and planned in order to delivery profitability, that means no matter how hard you keep investing money in “marketing” as you would like to call it, if your marketing does not have strategy target in the type of persona you are looking for, this will never create leads to your sales affecting your revenue.

Is it your Marketing considering this Points?

Do You Really Focused in Your Market?

Before you get started with any strategy you must focused on identify your business profile and know what exactly is your market position (revenue growth, market share, company growth, talent accrual, capital information liquidity and profitability).

How Do You Manage Your Sales? 

When it comes to sales your business must be always consider this follow points in order to create a strategy with effective sales results that impact to your persona analyzing your revenue targets, cost of goods sold, cost of acquire a customer (CAC), customer lifetime value (CTLV), retention rates (churn), Sales cycle, close rates, sales productivity and ROI.

What Your Marketing Team Should be Researching in order to delivery sales to business?

I think we can probably all agree by now that one of the things any marketing team should be researching and analyzing is their Cost Per Leads (CPL), Sales Accepted Leads (SAL), Lifecycle Stage Conversion Rates, Campaigns Conversion Rates, Velocity, Brand Awareness and PR (visits, likes, follows, comments, links, etc.), Leadership, Churn (Retention Rates) and ROI as well.

What Are Your Customers Expectations? 

From all the people have met until now, 70% of them are very focused on their Revenue or ROI, but when I asked what this people out there is expecting from your services or how your services will solve their problems most of them take a lot of time to answer me this question. The best way to inbound businesses is be more focused in B2B2C, thinking as a provider and user are very different things thats why, I think business services has the responsibility to satisfy clients with their products but also with the information and a easy access they should provide like, offering Free Trials to create conversion sales, Retention, CTLV, Support Plan Sales, Upsells and Upgrades and Brand Reputation (brand advocacy, response time, sentiment, reviews & ratings) that allows this personas to get familiar with your business, and create regular customers online.


Are you having these Problems?

Let’s talked about internal problems that companies might have when a marketing team and sales team are not define well, the few passed months talking to different companies about their business services , solutions plans and amazing tools they got, I was very surprise how comes so many companies having a really potential products and developer teams cannot sale their products?

I started to get deeper in my question to have a better idea of the big picture, finding out that it was the communication between internal teams. Their marketing and sales don’t agree on the criteria for marketing or sells qualified leads, Marketing messaging and sales communications are not aligned with each other, another big point was that neither sales or marketing teams are aligning their message with customers not considering customer interests or problem points.

Inbound Marketing is not just a methodology, for create leads and conversion points (customers). This goes far as you would like to go, that’s why Hivelocity is focused in different points in order to inbound your business and create real results, first you must to educate and align your team about your services thinking in customer satisfaction and future sales. Let me put it like this “If your staff does not know how to inbound their self, then they won’t be able inbound your business!” internal communication can affect very much to your business if you don’t inbound then now.


If you or them can’t answer this question or cannot be the same way then how will your business survive?

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